LAHORE: Cricketer Umar Akmal has been ordered to appear before the court on March 14, 2014 so that the court can see him and the traffic warden “effect” their reconcilliation.
Judicial Magistrate Mitiaz Ahmed Noor ordered Akmal to appear before the court to “effect” his reconciliation with the warden.
Holding proceedings on a case registered against Akmal on the complaint of a traffic warden for torturing him when he stopped the cricketer for violation of traffic rules, the magistrate said that the complainant and the accused must appear before the court.
On Tuesday, prosecutor appeared before the court and submitted that a reconciliation had taken place between accused and complainant and the latter did not wish to proceed with the case. He also presented a written agreement signed by both parties, according to which the warden had said he had no objection over dismissing of the case.
The magistrate said that for acquittal from the case, the accused must appear before the court and the out of court settlement between the parties does not provide exemption to the accused from appearing before the court.