Water level in various drains in the city rose on Sunday after heavy rains. Wadore, Bela, Noorwala, Pattizai, Patomi, Dagar Chatt, Chatt Sarkani, Basti Fauja and Basti Pathana were flooded. Floods damaged hundreds of acres of cotton. The floods disrupted communication links in affected areas. No casualties were reported. Officials from the flood control centre said that Nala Wadore released 56, 258 cusecs of water, Nala Suri released 64, 304 cusecs while Nala Korda released 23, 747 cusecs. Speaking to The Express Tribune, District Coordination Officer Muhammad Asif Qureshi said medical teams had been dispatched to the affected areas. He said that the floods had caused maximum damage in Chatt Sarkani.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 4th,2014.